(This project is still in progress)
This is the final project for my vocational college and was exhibited at the
Werkschau 2024.
The briefing word was 'care', so my thoughts immediately went to the two people who have cared for me most in my life - my grandmother and my mum. My grandmother used to tell me bedtime stories that she made up herself when I was younger, so as a tribute to her, and a physical memento of my favourite times with her, I decided to write up and illustrate one of my favourite stories.
The story is about a small mouse family that moves into a chalet basement to shelter for the coming winter. The youngest mouse ventures into the cellar of the house, gets caught and through a daring rescue operation by its concerned parents it all ends with a happily reunited mouse family.
This is a project very close to my heart, and I am extremely proud of the end product. It also warms my heart that so many of my friends and family, upon hearing about the book and its backstory, have requested to buy a copy once it is done.